Von Willebrand’s Disease (an overview)
Presented by Mary Ann Cardenas, RN Hemophilia Nurse Coordinator All Children's Hospital
Men’s Program (Virtual)
Join Dr. Gupta & others from the bleeding disorder community to talk about your bleeding disorder.
Jacksonville Virtual Creepy Crawl
Virtual Walk
Orlando Virtual Creepy Crawl
Virtual Walk!
Managing Challenges for Women with Bleeding Disorders
At the UM HTC, our physicians see several women/teens with heavy periods/anemia EVERY WEEK. And, we are fortunate to now include Dr. Ian Bishop, an OB/GYN physician as part of
Food & Fitness
Small changes for a healthier lifestyle. This is a virtual program.
Teen Retreat & Pizza Dinner
Teen Siblings included ages 13-19 only please. Scavenger Hunt, Games & Visual Art Self-Expression Join us for a Pizza dinner & Virtual Interactive Program (we will have it delivered it
Family Bingo Night
Family Friendly - Virtual Program Prizes for winners of each game All kids who attend & participate will be sent a $10 Walmart gift card.