Men’s Program (Virtual)

Join Dr. Gupta & others from the bleeding disorder community to talk about your bleeding disorder.

Managing Challenges for Women with Bleeding Disorders

At the UM HTC, our physicians see several women/teens with heavy periods/anemia EVERY WEEK. And, we are fortunate to now include Dr. Ian Bishop, an OB/GYN physician as part of our team. Dr. Bishop has a particular interest in managing the menstrual, pregnancy-related and postpartum challenges facing our carrier women, and women with vWD and

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Food & Fitness

Small changes for a healthier lifestyle. This is a virtual program.

Teen Retreat & Pizza Dinner

Teen Siblings included ages 13-19 only please. Scavenger Hunt, Games & Visual Art Self-Expression Join us for a Pizza dinner & Virtual Interactive Program (we will have it delivered it to you at the beginning of the program) Once you confirm your attendance you will receive a box of fun things and supplies that we

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Family Bingo Night

Family Friendly - Virtual Program Prizes for winners of each game All kids who attend & participate will be sent a $10 Walmart gift card.